“Pfizer Tourism” a new life dream?
Our partner, Debby Forman is an American citizen with the right of direct entry into the United States in the middle of a pandemic precisely when Brazilians are barred
Debby went to California in June. On the day of his arrival, he took the first dose of Pfizer and scheduled the 2nd dose for 21 days later. During his stay, California implemented ‘masks off’ in public, allowing the movement of vaccinated people without a mask outdoors.
According to Debby, the sensation was so strange, she felt a mixture of freedom and guilt, as if she was going to be caught doing something wrong. Debby returned to Brazil vaccinated and full of expectations that in a few months we would have a safer and less limited life.
But now, Pfizer reports that protection coverage is likely to decrease. California was taken by surprise with the Delta variant and masks are back.
Where are our minds in this process? Does our mindset influence the outcome of the vaccine? Does thinking that we are protected help create antibodies? Do the antibodies created by the vaccine help reduce anxiety? No no no and no.
Mind tricks are defenses and justifications in the face of a scenario with no known answer.
“I’d rather do Croatia Tourism, Disney or Hawaii than Pfizer Tourism, but my mind only feels safe with the syringe for now” said Debby.
And you?
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