Helping to improve the world
It seems like an impossible mission to commit to helping improve the world. To “practice” Tikun Olam is to consciously engage in ethical acts that repair damage in the world we live in. Tikun Olam is to the Jewish religion what Social Justice is to the secular population.
At CWIST, we are involved in numerous projects: income generation, environment and food security as well as supporting families of athletes affected by the pandemic.
Our Neurobusiness role is a way to help implement Tikun Olam at the enterprise level. Our greatest contribution at home is to educate the next generation to lessen acts that damage the world and repair existing ones.
Do you know the terms SDGs (Sustainable Development Goals) and ESG (Social Governance Environment)? No? We will create a post just on the topics, be sure to follow along.
There is no Tikun Olam without emotional and spiritual health. There is no Tikun Olam without ethics… There is no Social Justice with prejudice and without respect.
Tikun Olam begins with good morning and ends with good night and is performed in conscious acts at intervals.
What is your Tikun Olam action? How will you help repair the world?
If you would like guidance on how to get involved, please contact us, but be sure to do your part!
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