Get to know each other to transform
Transforming starts with “knowing yourself”.
Self-knowledge is the predecessor of self-transformation. It’s very simple: if you don’t know yourself, what will you transform?
How to get to know yourself better? How to turn on “active listening” within yourself?
There are several paths, but we divided the paths into 2 groups.
Group 1: assisted.
Group 2: on their own.
Group 1 is becoming a “service industry” encompassing coaching, mentoring, psychology, psychiatry, diverse spirituality, religion, interest groups and conversation circles (online and face-to-face).
This group has the profile of seeking interaction to exchange ideas and absorb the experiences of other people in similar circumstances. In this case, it is easier to find and follow examples of the transformation process being lived.
Group 2 is the behind-the-scenes group, the ones we are rarely aware of before or during the transformation process, but who when they reach the desired result or “state of being”, lavish a new being so evident that it leaves everyone around them wondering. “How did you do that? What was your process?”
This group tends to do more research and focus on technical data to support decision-making about the route to follow.
There is no right way. The wrong thing is to stop trying when the inner voice is screaming “transform yourself”.
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