Essence is Essential




CWIST was conceived in 2014 in response to a call for “help” from Brazilian middle market businesses needing to quickly overcome inertia and stagnation at the height of the Brazilian economic crisis. With decades of accumulated experience in helping businesses optimize conversion – and develop innovative processes, our founders delved into Neurobusiness to understand how to get leaders, teams and stakeholders to “snap out of it” and create winning results in face of difficult times. None of us could ever have imagined that just 6 years later, all businesses around the globe would simultaneously confront a pandemic crisis.


A Pandemia reforçou nosso propósito da nossa origem!

In the 6-year interval between the two crises, 2014 – 2020, we faced paradoxal mindsets:



The Paradox behind our Manifest. It takes way longer for leaders to accept that it is possible to optimize results in hard times than the time it actually takes to enable leaders to overcome the actual moment.
Purpose, Process, Path, Principles


To bring relief! Engage our clients in Neurobusiness. Unimaginable results can be unimaginably easy & fun.


STOP Neurobusiness: procedural dynamics applied to teams and leaders, disintegrating the barriers causing stagnation and inertia, thus resulting in a harmonized environment with easily implementable processes for optimized results.


Setting a clear destination allows you to trace the routes to get there. Routes are plans with contingencies and experienced as journeys. The quality of the journey is what fuels our purpose.


3 Jewish principles nurture our purpose, process and path. They are:
1. TIKUN OLAM (Hebrew Tikun for repair or fix) OLAM (world) To fix the world.
2. TZEDAKÁ (Giving or donating).
3. MITZVAH (Follow the laws and do good deeds).


STOP Neurobusiness

The journey with CWIST always starts with the dynamic "Essence is Essential", a deep dive to discover your company's intangible value.

Jewish Branding

Align your brand to not only speak to, but be heard by the Jewish Community.


Release the contained value you bring to your network through track-records, endorsements, know-how and experience.


Purposeful projects and purposeful money uniting together! Let us help your organization innovate its fundraising!


Innovate and develop integrated skills and capabilities. Quick fix doses of innovative learning through in-house Neurobusiness workshops and courses.

Onboarding Brazil

Safely land your company in Brazil! Tap into our network of experts and create a custom fit launch team for your Brazilian operation.


Simple is not synonymous to easy! The journey is simple. However hard it has been, is or will be, we make life as simple as possible for all of our stakeholders!

A word from

our stakeholders

Caio Mesquita


Na condição de Patrocinador Premium do Forum de Debates do CODEMEC, realizado em 2018, pude acompanhar o entusiamo e energia do Wilson Nigri em seu trabalho de organização e planejamento do evento.

Danielle Trizi

Debby, muito obrigada! Espero em breve poder te agradecer com mais que isso. Mas não posso deixar de registrar o quanto sou grata pelo direcionamento e apoio em um momento que tanto precisei. Esse direcionamente me colocou em contato com outras pessoas que também se tornaram muito importantes, e através disso pude iniciar um caminho pelo empreendedorismo, que gerou uma grande esperança em mim.

Nancy Baker

CWIST é nossa prestadora de serviço, mas se tornou também um parceiro fundamental em ajudar a INMED explorar novas oportunidades de fundraising e recursos para projetos no Brasil nos últimos três anos.

A abordagem cuidadosa da CWIST se encaixa bem com a missão e os valores da INMED, e a sua equipe tem sido valiosa em nos ajudar a orquestrar estratégias de marketing e comunicação criativa que abriram inúmeras portas para nossa ONG.




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