CWIST triad
We are 3 generations looking towards a single future.
The sum of our years of life is 141 years. The average age is 47.
In the learning phase, ideas abound!
Sophia contributes to the company with: state-of-the-art technology, integration of the 17 UN SDGs, digital art and motivational talks. Sophia oversees talent selection processes based on profiling and self-assessments.
Debby is the mind behind Neurobusiness and the strategist in valuing intangibles to increase revenue and fundraising contributions. The knowledge acquired over three decades provides security in decision making.
Wilson is the structuring of financial operations and fundraising. Wilson is the content curator for ESG and Conscious Capitalism. Wilson is the dialogue with boards. Wilson is the wise man who knows when to shut up and when to kick the bucket.
But what does the CWIST triad have in common? NETWORK.
There is not an 11-year-old with a larger interconnected network across countries. Sophia’s friendship network is already connected through Brazil, Uruguay, Mexico, USA, Australia, England and Israel. Let’s not even talk about virtual friendships.
Debby and Wilson are professional networkers. Nurturing a network is ensuring the future. The foundation of CWIST’s Network Monetization service was born out of our 30+ years of providing gains for networks.
Do you know how to monetize your network? It’s simple, yet difficult.
If you want to take a first step, just contact us.
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