Dec 15, 2021 | Mindful Business
Since ancient Greece and Rome, civilizations have been guided by different calendars, and in the western world, the Gregorian one, in honor of Pope Gregory XIII (07/01/1502 – 10/04/1585). It is a calendar solarIr para o conteúdo principalAjuda sobre...
Aug 23, 2021 | Mindful Business
Our partner, Debby Forman is an American citizen with the right of direct entry into the United States in the middle of a pandemic precisely when Brazilians are barred Debby went to California in June. On the day of his arrival, he took the first dose of Pfizer and...
Jul 20, 2021 | Mindful Business
Transforming starts with “knowing yourself”. Self-knowledge is the predecessor of self-transformation. It’s very simple: if you don’t know yourself, what will you transform? How to get to know yourself better? How to turn on “active...
Jul 13, 2021 | Mindful Business
To compare is to look for the relationships of similarity or disparity that exist between them. To transform is to pass or pass from one state or condition to another. When the similarities are no longer similar, it is because there has been a transformation. It is...
Jun 21, 2021 | Mindful Business
Hi, I’m Debby, founder of CWIST. We talk a lot about Mindfulness at CWIST. We talk about making space in the mind, about untangling life, whether from physical objects or socio-emotional static. I’m 52 years old. I feel a lot of pain in my body, not only...
Jun 15, 2021 | Mindful Business
Today is Transformation Tuesday, the Tuesday of transformation! CWIST transforms companies by transforming the mindset of people in companies. Realizing a sense of purpose requires a 360 degree view on multiple layers simultaneously. What is your company’s...