
CWIST's NucleoCap features the OPTIMIZE ME! Neurobusiness Workshops track.

Origin of the Nucleus

The Crisis Management Training Center for SMEs and MEIs was created by Thor Mentoria and CWIST in partnership with the São Paulo Commercial Association – Mooca District to rethink their business models together with the associates in a context of crisis.

This is how we untie the knots of ignorance about Management and Optimization, which is necessary to evolve. The process of metamorphosis begins with the belief that one can, should and has the right to go further.

2020, One
nova década new decade

Courses, workshops & dynamics with a team ALL STAR!

The team from the pedagogical core of CWIST, NUCLEOCAP fried the neurons to create a biannual course with 12 workshops & playful and fun dynamics, focused on the awareness of the effective power of our mind. We convert complex content into easy learning to help entrepreneurs, executives and entrepreneurs optimize their results, while reducing the effects of stress and stagnation.

That's why we invite market-leading companies to participate! #NaoFiqueDeFora #FaçaParte


Workshop 1

My Brain Apps

Use brain apps to control mobile apps. Cloud service of your own mind!

Workshop 2


A Look inside of what?

Workshop 3

Alkalinity and Business Alchemy

Biochemical balance enriches

Workshop 4

The Centered Brain

Fighting Pain & Blurring

Workshop 5

S.T.O.P - Just STOP

Strategies | Tools | Operations | People

Workshop 6

The Bubbles Under the Bridge

The Anchoring of Business Inertia

Workshop 7


Hard Skills Soft Skills and the Disappointments

Workshop 8

Essence and its Oneness

Mapping your Uniqueness

Workshop 9

Valuation of Intangibles

Seratonin Elevation elevates the power of your essence value.

Workshop 10

Faith and the Funnel

Spiritual sync influences your conversion rate

Workshop 11

Systemic Leadership

Lead your mind control to lead teams

Workshop 12

Name Your ROI

Refusal of Intimidation? Relevant Offer Instigate? Recupe of Illness? Revolving on Insight? Return of Intelligence? Return on Investment?


Dra. Claudia Klein

Dra. Claudia Klein

Founder Neurologist of Clínica Minnd

Dra. Claúdia disseminates, in a playful, easy and impactful way, the complexity of the brain in the environment of the profession. Specialist in work stress and its negative effects on health shows you how to command your mind using Biofeedback for Mindset Change.

Workshops: 1, 2, 3, 4, 11 e 12

Dra. Fernanda Ferraz

Dra. Fernanda Ferraz

Neurologist at Clínica Minnd

Dra. Fernanda connects the dialogue between the gut and the brain in high performance environments. She trains professionals in playful processes on how to transform unfavorable habits into optimized results, impacting quality of life and productivity.

Workshops: 3 e 4

Debby Forman

Debby Forman

Founder Mindful Business CWIST

Founder of CWIST and STOP methodology, focused on dealing with business inertia and stagnation by applying neurobusiness tools to redefine the essence of companies in playful dynamics with iconography.

Workshops: All

Renato Sneider

Renato Sneider

CEO Sales Brain Brazil

Partner at SalesBrain, the world's first Neuromarketing agency, Renato's passion is to work with innovation, people development and precision marketing to help people and companies achieve more results, more customers and more business.

Workshops: 10

Dimitrios Asvestas

Dimitrios Asvestas

Profiling humano Thor Mentoria

Motivational Speaker, specialist in DISC profiling and aptitude optimization analysis.
System and holistic leadership mentor, he applies Numerology to companies along with Mindful business practices.

Workshops: 3, 10 e 12

Rudi Solon

Rudi Solon

Ilusionista and UX Linkedin

Advertising student at USP, LinkedIn employee and illusionist, uses "magic" to exemplify the tricks of the mind within the work environment, introducing the MINDFUL Business process with a new vision.

Workshops: 1

Alberto & Frederico

Alberto & Frederico

CAPIZA Founders

Financial Consulting specialized in remedying financial pain and protecting corporate finances through its partners Alberto Sansiveiro and Frederico Costa re-signified their company through a Mindful Business journey.

Workshops: 5, 6, 8 e 9

Sophia Nigri

Sophia Nigri

Mindfulness Generation Ambassador

At age 11, the student, gymnast, speaker and performer born into the MINDSet generation will exemplify how to signify her place in the world.

Workshops: 1

VIP - Surprise

VIP - Surprise

Each semester, we invite a "hidden surprise" speaker.

Workshops: still undefined